Here’s Why NTSA Is Threatening To Shut SWVL Down

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NTSA is threatening to shut SWVL down. 

Ever since the bus hailing app SWVL landed in Kenya it has been nothing but trouble for them. As technology takes over in Kenya there are often many companies left behind. SWVL threatens matatu companies and saccos that own them on so many levels. Just the other day I was talking to an Embu matatu owner and she was upset because SWVL has introduced new routes with “ridiculous promotions” that are now hurting the matatu businesses. But why does NTSA want to shut SWVL down? NTSA claims that SWVL has not complied with their rules and regulations and has written to both the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) and the Inspector General of Police.

Image result for swvl

The allegations made SWVL are quite serious and might actually push SWVL out of Kenya completely. The shuttle hailing app is being accused of not having appropriate licenses from both the authority and City Hall. What we wonder is, why would a professional company like SWVL be so reckless? or is there more to it that we know or assume?

According to the NTSA licensing manager Jackson Mutua SWVL wants to work without regulations and introduce new routes without a license.

Here’s what he Mr. Mutua said:

Traditionally an operator is licensed to operate at a particular route but Swvl wants to operate in a manner that they can go anywhere.

Apparently SWVL has been using the wrong permit while operating and has instead been using a tour service license for public service vehicle operations. Several SWVL vehicles have been seized and drivers arrested as well. So far, the county government is threatening to cease all SWVL operations until they fully comply with the law. Since the two major issues are the new routes and the licenses then the most logical solution would be to stop the company from operating on new routes until they implement the new changes suggested.

But let’s just be honest, SWVL is definitely under attack and it’s probably because it threatens the matatu  business. They are obviously more organized, cleaner, professional and easier to work with than the chaotic public system we are used to.

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