How To Use Social Media To Your Advantage During COVID-19

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How do you use social media during COVID-19?

There are many businesses that have been greatly affected by COVID-19 and this is when many businesses have realized that an online presence is very important. Transitioning from the traditional way of managing your business to a digital way can be very challenging and almost impossible at the same time.

However there are plenty of things you can do to keep up your brand awareness and perhaps brighten someone’s day with your content!

Here are some of our top tips for things you should and shouldn’t be doing with your business’ social media for the time being.

1. Keep your customers up to date

There’s nothing worse than seeing fake news on social media, or things that are no longer relevant or true. It’s so important to make sure your business’ content is kept up to date with the latest news, and what’s going on. This is always key when it comes to social media, but it is even more important during the current situation with frequent changes and updates to the government’s regulations. As things continue to change and impact your business, make sure you keep your followers and customers up to date, whether that’s changes to your services, reductions in working hours, or even just letting them know what steps you’re taking to keep your employees safe.

2. How can your business be useful?

So many businesses up and down the country have had to completely stop trading and can no longer generate income. If you can continue trading and offering your services, please make sure you are being sensitive about it, be aware of others and be kind. It’s also important not to profiteer off the current situation, it can be tempting to try and capitalise on a sudden surge in demand for your services but this is a short term win and businesses seen to be doing this will feel the repercussions long after Covid-19 is under control. Companies such as Safaricom have completely changed their branding to “Safaricom stay safe” which is a really smart way of letting people know that they are not ignoring the situation.

3. Focus on brand love instead of just selling service

Instead, try to find a way that you and your company can help, in the community and offer your support. You can utilise this for your social media content to offer out your support and let people know the things you’re doing instead of running the business as normal. People can get really mad when all you’re doing is selling services and never mentioning the current situation at hand. This is why it is super important to break off creating content around selling and do more educative posts probably about your products or anything else that is fun and engaging.

4. Brush Up on Your Knowledge

While the world is collectively slowing down and adjusting to our new normal, it’s an ideal time to closely look at your social media efforts, and review or redefine your online marketing strategy. It’ll keep you busy and give you a sense of direction in these crazy days and will give you a competitive edge once normality resumes!

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