CS Kagwe Warns Kenyans To Stop Trolling First COVID-19 Patient On Social Media

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Health CS Mutahi Kagwe came out guns blazing expressing rage over the social media attack on Brenda Cherotich, one of the recovered coronavirus patients.

According to the CS, a section of Kenyans took to social media to make a mockery of the Government’s effort to raise awareness.

The Government has been trying to raise awareness about COVID-19 but as usual Kenyans thought it was just another attempt to try and cause a propaganda while using Brenda.

However, CS  Mutahi Kagwe was not having it with Kenyans online. 

Yesterday I informed you about our two young people who have recovered from coronavirus. However, some have decided to trivialize our efforts and in so doing, trivialise two Kenyans.

Kagwe castigated the perpetrators saying instead of reenergizing their efforts and raising alert levels, some decided to make fun and brand the session with Brenda and Brian as a public relations exercise.

Really? A PR exercise? Why would a government in collaboration with the World Health Organization and other inter-governmental organizations decide to make a PR exercise with two innocent Kenyans?

Kagwe described the claims as ‘unpalatable’ and described those trivializing the Government’s efforts as ‘unpalatable, archaic and retrogressive.

He added:

I condemn in the strongest terms any person who would attempt to do that.

The Health CS further warned that those found culpable will be be arrested and prosecuted in accordance with the law.

His sentiments come a day after Brenda and Brian held a meeting with President Uhuru Kenyatta via teleconference with the session beamed live on local television stations.

The two were speaking in public for the first time since leaving the Mbagathi District Hospital isolation centre.

They updated the President on their health status and experience after they contracted coronavirus.

Brenda, who was confirmed as the first Kenyan patient to contract COVID-19, said she believes she contracted the virus in London while returning to Kenya from the United States.

She later held an interview with Citizen TV’s Jeff Koinange on the JKL show where she revealed that she was quarantined for 23 days, a period that many people thought was a bit too long.

However, Brenda never once said anything bad about the people that took care of her and urged Kenyans to stay at home to stop the virus from spreading any further.

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