Rewarding Employees with an Innovative Benefits Platform

Greenpeace and Tcktcktck volunteers raise a wind turbine on the beach at dawn in Durban, South Africa. To send a message of hope for the latest round of UN climate change talks opening here on Monday. Campaigners say Durban must be a new dawn for the international negotiations to agree a fair, ambitious and legally binding treaty to avert climate chaos. They are demanding that politicians stop listening to the polluting corporations and listen to the people who want an end to our dependence on fossil fuels. Africa is on the front line of dangerous climate change, with millions already suffering the impacts through increased drought and extreme weather events, threatening lives and food security.
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Your employee benefits scheme is vitally important to the health of your business. When you get it right, you are rewarded with higher levels of employee engagement, loyalty, and productivity. When you get it wrong, you are buried under a mountain of admin and your employees are confused and disappointed with you.

So, what is the latest thinking on rewarding your employees with an innovative benefits platform? The Zest website, an award-winning benefits technology provider, has some pointers.

Make it easy to understand

In all instances, your communications to your workforce should be clear, honest, and easy to understand. This is particularly important when talking to them about the benefits they can earn, a subject close to their hearts. Many companies go wrong by issuing pages of information outlining all the possible benefits that are available to all employees and leaving them to figure out what applies to them. While this is a simple solution, it is frustrating and confusing for your employees.

Make it personal

A better way is to use innovative technology to personalise your communications to each employee. This way, a benefits structure that might be quite comprehensive and layered can be made simple at the user interface. They only see what is relevant to them. Zest’s innovative system allows employees to select benefits that make sense for them, increasing engagement and productivity because everyone is working for rewards that really mean something to them.

Make it fun

Engage your workforce by linking them to a benefits platform that is interactive and FUN. So often, employees fail to understand the full benefits of their package. A system like Zest’s interactive Total Reward Statement makes easy for them to see the full value of their package by encouraging them to actively engage and explore their benefits. Make sure the platform you choose is mobile optimised across all devices!

And what is in it for you?

The employee benefits platform you choose must provide a great interface for your employees. It also needs to work hard to support your overall HR strategy and day-to-day management. Choosing the correct platform has the following benefits:

It will save you time

By having your entire benefits scheme on one, easy to load and easy to navigate platform, you will save the hours of the time your HR staff used to spend doing the admin required to ensure that the right employees receive the right benefits at the right time.

It will make and save you money

Your company will be more profitable through the increased productivity of an engaged workforce, so ditch those outdated and time-consuming manual benefit management systems. Contact Zest today to arrange a demo.

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