Beginners Guide to Buying a Face Mask

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As CDC advised Americans last month to wear face masks while in public to minimize the spread of Coronavirus pandemic, from shopping malls to air flights are requiring people to wear face masks to stay safe and nokeep others safe.

Almost all countries and states around the glove also require citizens to must wear a mask when they leave home for shopping or for office during the relaxation hours. 

In this time where face mask is becoming an integral part of daily life, many clothing brands and retailers are creating and selling face masks made with fabric. But do you really need a face mask?

Should you get a face mask?

The CDC has advised people to cover their faces with a mask when they are out in public spaces like a shopping center, grocery store, and pharmacies where it could be hard to maintain proper social distance. Here experts also agree that fabric made face masks don’t replace the need for washing hands with soap & social distance and they alone cannot help you prevent the spread of this deadly pandemic. Most of the masks made with cloth/fabric can work well to help prevent the spread of droplets that the infected person is producing. In this way, a cloth face mask can help reduce the chances of infecting others if you are sick. Moreover, it will not fully protect a wearer from contracting the virus from an infected person in front of you.

If you are also about to buy face mask from an online store or a local store in your town, here we have some expert tips and beginners guide to buying a face mask that you should go through to make sure you have spent your money on a good and protective mask.

Consider the fabric

Experts say that some fabric can easily filter the air pollutants and virus particles than others. It is simple and clear that the thicker and dense fabric can do a great job than thinner and loosely woven fabric. For instance, Flannel material could be a good option to make a good face mask as it is tightly weaved than other kinds of fabrics. Tea towels, cotton blend fabrics, and antimicrobial pillowcases were found more effective at filtering the particles than t-shirt fabric, scarf, or silk. There are many companies like SewCal Masks that are making face masks with comfortable, washable, and tightly knitted quality fabrics to provide you with better protection against pollutants and other injurious particles in the air. However, these masks are not claimed to be or substitute for medical or surgical masks, and a proper mask use and handwashing hygiene must be followed by the users.

Different Types of Face Masks & Their Benefits. – SewCal Masks

Layer it up

Multiple layers of the fabric offer better protection than one. More fabric layers mean the lower chances of particles and viruses to pass through your mask. Some of the companies use two layers of the fabric to increase the effectiveness of their masks. Many of them also leave one side of the mask unstitched as a pocket for an additional filter. However, more fabric layers can cause breathability issues. So always choose a mask with two layers to make sure the mask you are about to buy is protective and comfortable as well.

Make Sure it is Fit and Comfortable

A face mask should fully cover your mouth and nose to make sure no particles and viruses reach your mouth that can cause respiratory issues. A good mask fit snugly on your face and should not create irritation or breathing issues. If there are some gaps between the mask and your face, the particles can easily pass through to infect you. Make sure a mask is fit and comfortable against your face. A mask made with stretchy fabric can easily fit on different face sizes. First, you find out the that fits you best and then go for your favourite color. Never pick a mask that is in your favourite color but not fit your face. If you prefer an online store to get masks delivered to your doorstep, you should ask them for a complete product description to make sure the mask fits to your needs like multiple layers, made with tightly woven fabric, and washable etc.

In this time of global emergency, consumers should stick with face masks made of fabric to leave medical masks for professional health workers and doctors. Moreover, medical masks are the right fit for professionals due to many reasons. 

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