Imagine what life would be like without music. If we did not have any song or melody in our lives. Boring, yes? It is thus very important to support musicians and their work whichever way we can. We should especially do this with local musicians because their success and glory can indirectly boost the country’s economy. Moreover, it is a way of showing patriotism while improving our culture. Here are a few ways technology can help you support our local musicians. We will also look at how technology changes the evolution of music.
Subscribing to their YouTube Channels
Most musicians in Kenya have YouTube channels where they upload their music videos for the public to see. While accessing said videos is completely free, the artistes stand to gain some money with every view. Therefore, by subscribing to their YouTube channels, you will always get an alert whenever your favourite musicians put up new projects. You get to watch and enjoy their music while allowing them to get returns for their work.
Sharing their links on your social media
Once you have made your own subscription, you can go an extra mile and share links to their YouTube videos to your social media accounts. By so doing, you will encourage your friends and followers to click on the link and watch the videos themselves. This strategy is especially useful for upcoming musicians that have not yet become famous. The increased traffic to their channel will make them more visible to the rest of the world thus increasing their general audience.
Visit their sites
Another way to support local musicians using technology is by visiting their websites if applicable. Here, you can get to learn more about said musician, something that might increase your interest in them. You might also get to learn about any upcoming events, which you can attend. Most musicians get some income by putting up gigs whose proceeds act as their profits. Your attendance therefore is significant for their continued success.
Buy their music from online stores
Although there are many free sites where you can download music, you should try purchasing your favourite musician’s music from proper online stores. Most of the music from free sites is pirated which means that even if you download a whole album, the musician gets no returns. However, if you buy their music on online stores, they get a cut from the price and therefore have the ability to continue making their music.
Pay for
Mdundo is almost similar to Spotify or Soundcloud. It allows local musicians to upload their work and their fans to access this music with ease and at a subsidized price. Initially, when Mdundo was starting out, it was just Ksh. 100 per month, during which you could download as much local music as possible. In return, the local musician gets paid for every download their music receives. Not only is this a brilliant way to have local music in one platform, it also makes it easier and cheaper to appreciate local talent.
Bottom line
You can use technology for the good of others. One of the ways of doing this is by supporting local musicians through the highlighted ways.