4 Science-Backed Benefits of Having a Dog

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Devoted companionship. Unconditional love. Constant entertainment. Most of us dog lovers know how good life can be with a dog around. But is that knowledge based on a feeling – or is there something else at work? There’s just science.

Spending time with your beloved friend companions works wonders for your wellbeing. It’s mutual companionships that pay, and that could also be among the things you do for you and your children’s health and wellbeing. Recent research shows that having a dog is good for you emotionally and physically. Dogs make us happier, healthier, and help us cope with a crisis – and even help you get a date. Read on for four science-based benefits of owning a dog.

  1. Dogs help you stop stressing out

Your beloved companion can offer comfort and ease your worries. Numerous studies show that dogs and therapy dogs help relieve stress and anxiety. Yes, you read that right, dogs can remove anxiety.

Even by simply petting a familiar puppy lowers blood pressure, slows breathing, heart rate, and relaxes muscle tension. Researchers at Washington State University discovered that just 10 minutes of petting a dog could have a considerable impact. Those who participated in the study had a significant reduction in cortisol, a major stress hormone.

2. Dogs make you more attractive -even virtually

A dog may increase your chances of dating someone you like. If you’re out and about, this might be time to get a dog. Their presence may make people appear more attractive and likable.

In a series of studies, men had more chances to get a woman’s phone number when they had a dog with them. In another study, scientists asked individuals to rate people in photographs and found that people looked more relaxed and happier when they appeared with a dog.

Another study found that women and men swipe right more when they include a profile photo of their Goldendoodle doodles. On the other hand, women benefited more than men with dogs in their profiles.

3. Dogs are good for your heart 

Having a dog can help you live a happier and longer life. A complete review of studies published between 1950 and 2019 found that dog owners had a lower risk of death. Studies have proven that dog owners have lower blood pressure levels and improved responses to stress.

Even just living with your canine friend can make a difference – individuals who went through previous coronary events had an even higher level of risk reduction for death. Studies have concluded that the connection between dogs and humans reduces stress, which is the main cause of cardiovascular problems.

4. Dogs make us feel less alone

Because people can’t be there with you all the time, dogs can. They offer emotional support, unconditional support, and constant cuddles that help stave off social isolation. According to a small Australian study, dog ownership reduces loneliness.

A national survey of non-pet owners and pet-owners found that 85% of respondents believe that interaction with pets reduces feelings of loneliness. From that, we understand that human-pet interactions can help address social isolation.

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