How to Fix and Use Custom Search Keywords in Google Chrome

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Google Chrome has a search feature that lets you assign “keywords” to your custom search. One can control these in Chrome by tapping on the menu > Settings > Search engine > Manage search engines. The “Keyword” field defines a custom keyword that starts a custom search.

How to Return the Old Space Button Behaviour

If you’ve been used to the behaviour of the old space bar, you can get it back with a flag. As usual, there’s no guarantee that these Chrome flags will stick around.

  • To really get started, open the Chrome flag page. 
  • Type “chrome:/flags” (without quotes) in the Chrome location bar and press Enter to find it.
  • Type “omnibox keyword” in the search box at the top of the page.
  • So, when “Omnibox keyword search button” option appears
  • click the “Default” box and set the “Disabled” option.
  • type “omnibox suggestion” in the search field.
  • Whenever the option “Omnibox suggestion button row” appears, click the “Default” box to the right and set the option to “Enabled.”
  • You’re done now, and you can click the “Relaunch” button at the bottom of the page to restart Google Chrome.
  • Once it restarts, you’ll be ready to be using the Space bar again with your custom searches.
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