Usafi Comfort launches to provide wastewater management solutions in Eastern Africa

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Usafi Comfort aims at creating a reliable onsite wastewater management solutions provider for the Eastern Africa people. A 3-year research has been done to find out what could be the trials experienced that made providing standardized onsite wastewater management a problem. Usafi Comfort has linked with global engineering research and product development companies to create, produce and issue water saving devices as well as wastewater recycling products suitable for the market of East Africa. The systems that were developed were the Johkasou systems which in Japanese means a purification tank. It is used in Japan countrywide. A fibre reinforced plastic tank is in the unit and holds five chambers which are all functional. The five chambers are anaerobic, sedimentation, aeration, sedimentation and disinfection all found in a tank. The Johkaosu systems treat a maximum of 2 million liters of wastewater daily. You can rely on Johkasou because without electricity it can last for 72 hours. Installation of a solar panel is preferable for regions without a consistence of electricity for the Johkasou to work The air blower depends of the flow of hydraulic.

Waste water treatment entails of the following procedure in chambers:

  • Sedimentation chamber- It allows raw wastewater to settle to separate sludge and the layers of scum beneath anaerobic conditions. The clear waste flows via baffles into the chamber that follows.
  • The largest unit in the chamber is the second one which withholds time for the process of ANAEROBIC biodegradation to be slow. Unlike the normal septic tank, the process of anaerobic treatment in the Johkasou is enriched by the usage of a filter media. The media held in the bottom half of the chamber provides a large surface area for the development of biofilm. End result is a rich biological sludge blanket that allows organic matter to decay fast. Water is then baffled to flow in the third chamber.
  • The chamber that follows is for AEROBIC treatment. A linear compressor sources air from a piping system that is perforated known as a diffuser. The air then seepages into a column of smaller propylene media. The contact media is intended for the creation of optimal biofilm which offers a surface for aerobic microorganisms to join and develop. Frequent supply of air circulates the media in the top two-thirds of the chamber making a fluidized bed with enough air which enables the Aerobic bacteria to survive in a surrounding with oxygen which leads to treatment of a higher level. The wastewater contains organic matter which breaks down into minimal products. The new cells form a sludge after being precipitated together. The sludge is then released into the water that has been treated.
  • The second sedimentation takes place in the fourth chamber whereby the sludge settles. The sludge that has settled is recirculated to the system head via an airlift pump. Recirculation allows a precise amount of water that has been treated into the system head for denitrification and equalization of flow.
  • The last stage is disinfecting the water that has been treated. The treated water also flows through a tablet chlorinator. It is then released to a storm sewer, a water body, or an irrigation scheme.

Usafi Comfort vends the most preferred plug-and-play onsite wastewater management products. They supply goods that are real estate valued, with rental revenues and economical despite the location of the customer’s possessions. An interview is done whereby one is questioned and later on a site visit is done by Usafi Comfort to gather all required limitations of your belongings. The liters of wastewater produced determine the size of Johkasou you will be in need of.  

The water that has been recycled can be put in storage for up to 3 days as the water and utilized for purposes such as irrigation, firefighting, control of dust, and flushing of the toilets. There is a possibility of setting up the Johkasou inside a septic tank. This will vary with aspects such as all the material gathered at the location. There are terms that are agreed with Usafi Comfort on the annual maintenance agreement and upon settlement, Usafi Comfort handles all the maintenance. The liters of wastewater also determine the rate of maintenance the Johkasou systems are created in a way that they need minimum service but also consistent checkup and service is advisable. The Johkasou also requires to be pumped out because the sludge has to be done away with from your system occasionally varying with the usage which can be 2-4 years according to the annual maintenance agreement made with Usafi Comfort. Usafi comfort is reliable in all ways.

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