Anko Retail Promises To Sell Products 20% Less Than Local Supermarkets

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Anko Retail is currently an online Kenyan store offering to sell goods and products 20% less than local supermarkets.

They promise same-day delivery, round the clock customer support, 14 days money-back guarantee and more.

In a country that has seen supermarket after supermarket struggle to stay afloat. First Uchumi, then Nakumatt, and most recently Tuskys. According to Nation Africa, this is due to a few reasons including.

  1.  Expanding aggressively and overstretching their financial muscle when the profit margins are slim.
  2. Proper governance and professional management.
  3. Targeting low-income earners

With so many supermarkets sinking, only a few survivors remain, including CarreFour and Naivas. While Naivas has increased prices of consumer goods such as clothing, furniture, mobile phones, TVs and fridges will rise due to the coronavirus epidemic, Carrefour offers shoppers refunds if they can find cheaper equivalent items in local stores.

Anko Retail seems to be taking a page from Carrefours book.

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