How to link Google Analytics and Google AdSense

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If you have a blog, news, or informational site and want to generate revenue through display ads using Google AdSense, you should connect Google Analytics to Google AdSense so you can see which pages are performing well.

You can do this from your AdSense account or your Analytics account. However, the final linking will be done on the Analytics side, so you can begin the process there. Before you begin, make sure you have the following items.

How to link your Analytics and AdSense accounts

  • Sign in to your Google Analytics account
  • At the top of the page, select the Admin tab.
  • Select the Analytics account that contains the property you want to link to your AdSense account in the “Account” column.
  • Select the Analytics property you want to link in the “Property” column, then click AdSense Linking.
  • Click + New AdSense Link on the “AdSense Linking” page.
  • Choose the AdSense property you want to link to your Analytics property.
  • Continue By clicking the button.
  • Choose the Analytics views where you want your AdSense data to be available.
  • Enable the link by clicking the checkbox.
  • Click the Done button.

Your AdSense and Analytics accounts are now linked.

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