How to Use Mpesa to Shop on Amazon

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Want to buy something on, pay with Mpesa, and have it shipped directly to you in Kenya? With technological advancements and easy internet access provided by ZUKU and Safaricom, you can now shop anywhere on the internet and pay using Mpesa in Kenya Amazon is the world’s largest e-commerce website, with stores all over the world. You can shop on Amazon directly from Kenya, but you must use a credit card.

How to Use Mpesa to Buy on Amazon

The steps below will allow you to buy anything on Amazon and pay with Mpesa. For a smooth operation, you must use a computer. To use Vitumob, you must also be using the Chrome browser.

  • Go to and look for the product you’re looking for.
  • Once you have the product, add it to your cart but do not check out. You can shop for more products and add what you require to your cart. Make certain that you only add what you require to your cart.
  • Open a new tab in Chrome (CTRL + T on Windows or Command + T on Mac) and navigate to
  • To install the Vitumob chrome extension, click the first item.
  • Once installed, the extension will appear in the top right corner of your browser.
  • Return to the Amazon page you visited earlier.
  • Click on the VituMob extension in the top right corner of the browser, and the products will be added to the VituMob website automatically.
  • You will now be on the VituMob website, where you can confirm your orders before proceeding to the checkout.
  • You will be asked to enter your information as well as the address where your products will be delivered. Choose a payment method and click the Submit button.
  • You will be directed to a screen with instructions on how to pay with M-Pesa on your phone, and you will receive an email with those instructions.
  • Vitumob will send you an email with a message.

Well, that is it, so you can now start buying stuff from Amazon cheaply price using Mpesa and get the items delivered right to your doorstep.

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