Apple unpacks iOS 14.6-new for iPhone consumers.

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With timely impact, Apple is giving another update to iPhone and iPad consumers with iOS 14.6 and iPadOS 14.6, separately. However, what’s going on? The following is an outline of features and enhancements for Apple gadgets.

Above all else: iOS 14.5 is just about as large and significant as last. The moderately short improvement doesn’t now celebrate the current update to iOS 14.6. What Apple doesn’t straightforwardly name yet is now known: With iOS 14.6, the brand establishes the framework for two new Apple Music-Apple Lossless and 3D sound features with Dolby Atmos. Be that as it may, it will not be accessible until June, so if you were expecting HiRes sound and multidimensional sound on your iPhone, you’ll need to stand by a couple of more days.

iOS 14.6: Apple’s new features for iPhone consumers

Be that as it may, you at this point don’t need to sit tight for the following developments, which Apple formally depicts in the “package leaflet”:


Support of subscriptions for channels and individual broadcasts

AirTag and App “Where is? “:

Option to “Lost” an email address instead of a phone number for AirTag and devices in “Where is? “-Add network.
AirTag displays the owner’s partially concealed phone number when tapped with an NFC-enabled device.

Universal access:

Users of “Voice control” can unlock their iPhone for the first time after restarting only with their voice.

Even more, features were recently available with iOS 14.5. Have a look and discover:

iOS 14.5 Update

But also problem solutions, so-called bug fixes, are offered with iOS 14.6. Apple writes:

  • “Unlock with Apple Watch” might not work after “Lock iPhone” was used on the Apple Watch.
  • Reminders were displayed as blank lines in some cases.
  • Extensions to block calls may not appear in the settings.
  • Bluetooth devices were occasionally disconnected during a call or sent audio to another device.
  • The performance of the iPhone was reduced in some cases during the boot process.

What’s next with iOS?

If you have deactivated automatic updates on your iPhone, you will find the option to install the update as usual within the settings. There should then already inform a menu entry about the software update. Otherwise, you will find the point in the point “General”. Almost 590 MB of data is then loaded and installed.

By the way: It is not the last update for iOS 14. Currently, Apple is already working on iOS 14.7. The first version for developers has already been distributed. However, larger innovations will probably only be available again with iOS 15, a first pre-release of which Apple will present to us already in June at the in-house developer conference. Availability is usually expected in september.

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