How AI will revolutionise the Gaming Industry?

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Artificial Intelligence is set to revolutionise the gaming industry with its ability to underrate a myriad of time consuming and repetitive tasks in the fraction of the time that it would take a human being, and with a much greater degree of accuracy. 

This has obvious cost benefits for manufacturers, but at the same time there are benefits for players, in the form of more realistic and thrilling games, and enhanced online security, especially when playing Multiplayer games. 

One example is software testing – an inevitable part of the game development process, not only for online games but also for the online casino industry.

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AI can run thousands of QA tests quickly identify glitches and bugs and speeding up the time that it takes to bring a game to market. 

Another example of replacing – or at least augmenting the work of humans – is the automation of graphics. 

Leading game development companies like Electronic Arts are employing a machine learning technique known as reinforcement learning to animate humanoid characters automatically. If provided with enough data AI can produce realistic game characters at a fraction of the time ns cost it takes a human graphics artist. 

It also means that game can be produced with an even more extensive range of characters and effects for players to enjoy.

One of the unfortunate side effects of intense online gaming is that people become so competitive that sue cross the line and use offensive language in in-game chats. Although game developers attempt to police this is various ways, AI has helped facilitate this by verifying reports of abusive conduct and issuing appropriate sanctions. Algorithms help deduct patterns in player reports, enabling corrective actions to be taken faster,

One of the biggest challenges facing online casinos is making sure that players signing up to their site are not only real people, but are also over age. 

In 2016 the UK Gambling Commission found that nearly half a million children bet regularly, some as young as 11 years old. Given that there is real money involved, this is a problem for the operators, not only from a public relations’ viewpoint, but could also land them in serious trouble with the regulators if they are not seen to be dealing with the issue appropriately.

AI uses algorithms again which help identify age, and face recognition software also helps weed out those who should not be gambling. 

And AI is also being used in the creation of games itself, removing the need for software coders and developers. Some companies have developed AI engines that have “learnt” how to reproduce popular games just by endlessly watching the game screen and monitoring the controls used. 

From there, it is just a logical extension to suggest that given enough data, machines could produce entirely new games from scratch, with little or no human involvement at all. Again, this presents potentially huge cost saving potential for the game development companies – developers and coders are usually the most expensive cost items in their budgets – and means that the time to market could be radically reduced.

It also means that the number of new titles; produced could be dramatically expanded, which is god news for the broader gaming community. 

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