Twitter Is Thinking About Letting Users “Unmention” Themselves From Tweets

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Twitter is thinking about letting users “unmention” themselves from tweets.

Getting mentioned on Twitter can sometimes be a great thing – and sometimes not. For the times it isn’t, the company is working on a potential feature that would let you remove yourself from the conversation.

Spotted by Engadget, Twitter privacy designer Dominic Camozzi has posted a concept that would not only alert you when you were mentioned in a tweet but allow you to “unmention” yourself if you wanted to.

Camozzi says that choosing the option will remove the link to your profile from the conversation or tweet.

In addition, the designer is talking about specifically calling out and providing additional options for mentions from someone you don’t follow.

Going further, if someone you don’t follow @ mentions you, you’ll get a special notification. If you unmention yourself from there, the Tweet author will not be able to mention you again.

Additional features you’ll have.

Going even further, Camozzi is thinking about the ability to restrict accounts from ever mentioning you and disabling mentions altogether for a set number of days.You can also restrict certain accounts from mentioning you.

Need some peace and quiet? Keep EVERYONE from mentioning you for 1 day, 3 days, or 7 days. Camozzi says that the feature is currently an early concept and is looking for feedback from Twitter users. The designer did not say if and when the feature would be released to the service.

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