Instagram now automatically translate text in Stories: All you need to know

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With Instagram’s global appeal, there’s a strong possibility you’ve seen stories that aren’t in English or any other language you’re familiar with. You had to go outside of the app till now to find out what those messages were saying. That is no longer the case. Instagram has rolled out a new tool that will automatically translate any foreign content you encounter in your Stories.

Instagram has introduced a new feature in which text in Stories will be automatically translated. Text in posts and captions can already be translated on the popular video and photo-sharing app. Users will be able to share Stories with international audiences more easily as a result of this.

When the app recognizes that you’re viewing a Story in a different language, a “See Translation” prompt will appear near the top left of the screen. Simply tap the banner to see the text in your preferred language. With today’s launch, the function can now translate text across more than 90 languages, though it currently does not support audio.

If they don’t understand a language, Instagram users can use the new function by clicking the See Translation banner in the upper left-hand corner of a Story. The words are translated into the user’s native language when they click on the banner.

How to Translate Instagram stories text

  1. On your iPhone, open Instagram.
  2. Open a story that includes a foreign-language piece.
  3. In the top-left corner of a story, select “See translation.”
  4. This will bring up a card with the original text as well as a translation.

All captions and comments on Feed posts, as well as your profile’s intro, are currently automatically translated based on the language. They are translated based on the language preference of the person viewing them. If a translation is available in your language, you may view it by tapping View translation below the text.

Since 2016, Instagram’s built-in translator has been able to translate a foreign language in captions, comments, and profile bios. You can now also translate story texts thanks to this feature expansion.

With such a large user base, Instagram would be wise to continue investing in features that make it easier to interpret content in other languages while also making the photo-sharing site as inclusive and accessible as possible.

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