Immersive technologies modifying the Indian educational space

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Technology is advancing at an exponential rate. As education systems are transforming, many educators welcome the benefits of virtual reality, but some are still apprehensive about using it in their classrooms. Explanations spans from high costs to push back from school administrators. Others foresee the significance of both VR and AR in entertainment, but not as beneficial teaching tools in the classroom.

The pandemic has molded the world, stimulating digital transformation globally and changing the relationship most people have with technology. The use of augmented reality is becoming increasingly commonplace and is being used in sectors like education, manufacturing, retail, medicine, transport, and healthcare, to name just a few.

Today, Augmented Reality has remodeled the entire education system in India. Students are joyfully absorbing 3D technologies to obtain a more engaging learning experience with these upcoming applications.

LaunchMyCareer is a transformational career-success program that provides age-appropriate exposure to children from Grade 5 onwards, in an engaging way through immersive experiences.

LaunchMyCareer brings together educators, counsellors and experts to steer students along a career roadmap, under parental guidance, in a systematic, experiential and captivating way. This comprehensive, VR-inspired career discovery solution unifies career guidance and preparation into a seamless experience. The platform is backed by Dev Clever, a market leader in career development with a presence across the UK and Europe, and Veative Labs (Pvt) Ltd, a trailblazing organization that provides immersive solutions for enterprise and education in more than 20 countries across the globe.   

Mr. Ankur Aggarwal, Director, LaunchMyCareer, has established this platform with a focused approach to create a world where everyone can manage, develop, and optimize their education and career path, at any stage of their life. LaunchMyCareer’s VR technology supports the career counselling space in a way that helps learners experience their future career while exploring umpteen opportunities based on their unique skills and interests. The one-of-its-kind Career Explorer feature of LMC allows learners to envision their future and thus enables them to be better prepared for what that may entail. Such first-hand experiences also empower a learner’s decision-making process, under the guidance of their parents and schools. It thus addresses common concerns held by both learners and guardians, and helps the user identify a clear career path, while understanding various career options. This career guidance platform allows students to discover a personalized career pathway to place them in careers that are best suited to them, using the latest technology. This unique orientation and in-depth reasoning guides students to be their best versions and enables them to lead happy and successful lives.

LaunchMyCareer understands the efficacy of applying technology in the most effective way, in students’ lives. From mobile phones to desktops, laptops to tablets, we are connected to both technology and each other, in one way or the other. Due to the ongoing pandemic, student dependence on technology has increased exponentially. 

Augmented Reality can formulate the teaching and learning processes for both parties more interactive and engaging, by enhancing participation and involvement. With the employment of virtual tours, students can fully engage in classroom learning, while getting a 360-degree view of the concepts taught. Increasing involvement in the learning process can make this endeavor more productive and profitable.

In education, Virtual Reality can be utilized in a wide variety of domains, from engineering to medical science, defense to practical skills, and so much more. Rather than simply trying to understand typical subjects in a classroom setting, students can always take assistance from the virtual world to learn concepts better. VR and AR are the modern certainties of the teaching and learning system in our country. Classroom learning is going to be drastically transformed with respect to these new fields of technology. Technology is certainly advancing and learners worldwide are benefiting from it. Students interacting with this technology today will be users of such innovation tomorrow, as well as drivers of further technological advancements well into the future.

Virtual Reality is an emerging sector that has tremendous capability to positively influence educators & learners in our country. They can cultivate deep learning experiences that stimulate learners in active learning, which in turn, strengthens the effectiveness of the same. Furthermore, AI-driven private mentors can keep track of students’ learning preferences and behavioral patterns, counsel progress, and suggest outcomes to build customized comprehensive modules, which may not be a distant reality. 

As per a recent report by ABI Research, the global education sector is expected to spend more than $6 billion annually on AR and VR technologies by the end of 2023, with the market hitting $5.3 billion mark. In addition, PwC (UK) estimates that AR/VR will have a $1.5 trillion effect on global GDP, by 2030. 

Summing Up

Technology is sure to give a detailed makeover to education in the upcoming fourth industrial revolution. The Indian education sector will be an intriguing and exciting space to watch out for in the forthcoming decade. Change is arriving and we must embrace those prophetic words… Be the change.

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