Being Serious on the Field Of Robotics, CyberDog From Xiaomi

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Eleven years old is a very young age for a technology company. However, the tender age does not prevent Xiaomi from continuing to expand its product portfolio. The latest one, they also want to get serious in robotics, and that they start passing a robot named Xiaomi CyberDog.

As you’ve guessed from the name, this robot has a shape resembling a dog. Then if You feel familiar with the form, you never know about the robot named Spot fib Boston Dynamics. Both are no match for the cuteness of the Aibo, the robot dog made by Sony.

CyberDog is less funny, but the movement is much more agile. Servo Motor, designed by Xiaomi, allows CyberDog to run at the maximum velocity of 3.2 meters per second and perform manoeuvres extremes of a backflip.

Xiaomi still boasts that its characteristics are similar to pet dogs despite its appearance being far from cute. Main, CyberDog can respond to voice commands, and he can also follow its owner like a dog’s performance. So you can do all of that, CyberDog storing a myriad of advanced hardware.

We first start from the brain, namely the Nvidia Jetson Xavier NX, a supercomputer AI-sized mini. Chipset this package 384 CUDA cores, 48 Tensor cores, 6 Carmel ARM CPUs, and two deep learning acceleration engines. Everything needed to process the data in massive quantity was collected by the sensor-the sensor.

There are a total of 11 sensors embedded in the body of CyberDog, among which there is the touch sensor, ultrasonic sensor, camera, and GPS module. Also essential is the Intel RealSense Depth Module D450 that can be trained using computer vision.

All that’s needed to realize features such as autonomous object tracking, SLAM (simultaneous localization and mapping), and obstacle avoidance and navigation in the scale of centimetres. CyberDog was even able to recognize the face and posture of the human body.

Expansion of the functionality of the row is made possible thanks to the presence of the 3 USB-C ports and 1 HDMI port. Whether it’s a LiDAR, panoramic camera, motion camera, or spotlights, everything can be paired to the CyberDog for the sake of exploring ahead is much longer.

Xiaomi deliberately designed the CyberDog algorithm using open-source to involve contributions from various backgrounds, ranging from developer and engineer to robot enthusiasts. Xiaomi even got a long-term target to build laboratory robotics.

For now, they will market CyberDog in limited quantities, that is, 1,000 units. The price is pegged to 9,999 yuan or approximately 22.2 by millions of dollars.

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