How to Save Important Information by Sending Notes or Messages to Yourself on WhatsApp.

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Humans are naturally forgetful and require reminders to complete tasks or save important information. WhatsApp has a self-chat feature that can be used to share messages, important links, and other information. There is a simpler trick you can use to talk to yourself or take notes, but we’ll get to that later in the article. WhatsApp users can send themselves messages or notes, which they can later access via the Self-chat feature. This feature is useful for users who want to save documents or links for quick reference. It is more convenient for users to access these messages rather than searching for them in endless chats.

Follow the steps below to send yourself a message on WhatsApp:

  • On your phone or computer, launch a browser, such as Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.
  • Enter by your phone number in the address bar. Before you enter your mobile number, enter your country code. kenyan users can type in their phone numbers in this format —
  • You will be prompted to open WhatsApp in a new window. For mobile users, WhatsApp will open with their phone number and profile picture at the top. Users can then start chatting with themselves, leave notes, and save photos and videos.
  • PC or computer users will see a new window open with a button that says “Continue to Chat.”
  • When you select that option, either WhatsApp Web or the WhatsApp desktop app will open with your chat displayed. Users can then start chatting with themselves or send themselves notes. This chat will then appear on users’ phones and other devices, where they will be able to access all of the information.

Users can also create a WhatsApp group by adding only one contact to the group and then removing it later. As a result, the user who created the group is the only one left in the group, and any message or link shared in that group will be treated as if it were a note sent to the user.

The following are the steps that users must take to create a group:

  • Launch WhatsApp.
  • Select the New Group option from the three dots on the right.
  • Add a contact and inform them that you are doing so to send yourself a message.
  • Go to the group and delete the contact you added. You will be able to send messages to yourself in this manner.

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