Facebook and Snapchat will not respect your Privacy on iPhones

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Almost seven months after Apple’s App Tracking Transparency (ATT) was implemented on iOS, certain apps are still tracking users’ activity by exploiting a flaw in Apple’s system usage rules.

The ATT, however, is not 100 percent trustworthy, according to The Information media. Snapchat will continue to track and target its millions of users by utilizing a fuzzy definition found in the feature description.

Apple forbade monitoring tactics that include combining user or device data from one app to another to analyze a specific feature. The Cupertino corporation, on the other hand, does not define matching. As a result, Snapchat has developed Advanced Conversations, a feature that allows it to “get precise information from advertising businesses about the behavior of particular iPhone users.”

Google and Facebook have devised similar systems that allow them to gather and analyze advertising-related data and give the findings to advertisers. Apple, for its part, argues that it has “got substantial support from privacy activists and authorities” and that “a user’s data belongs to him and that he should be allowed to decide if and with whom he wants to share it.”

According to Brian Bowman, CEO of the marketing agency consumer acquisition, advertisers have lost between 15 and 20% of their income since the ATT arrived.

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