CA extends Sim Card Registration

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The Communication Authority (CA) has extended the deadline for Sim Card registration to October 15th 2022 after a majority of Kenyans failed to meet the 15th April Deadline after a series of consultations between CA and Mobile operators.

The ongoing data cleaning exercise seeks to enforce the sim-card registration regulations of 2015 a move that will help combat cybercrime and fraud in the digital space.

speaking during the announcement of the exercise earlier, CA Director General Ezra Chiloba asked all mobile operators to speed up the cleanup exercise as he urged unregistered subscribers to register their lines in the remaining days following April 15th deadline.

On Thursday the 14th of April, the CA and the mobile operators held a meeting to assess the success rate of the exercises, which might have resulted in the extension. Earlier on, there had been extensive consultations between the Communications Authority and the Mobile operators on the extension of the exercise.

With the extension, CA maintains that the registration exercise is anchored in the constitution mandating mobile network operators to carry out the exercise.

In the Thursday meeting, Mr Chiloba said “It is the responsibility of the operators who will advise on whether to switch off the unregistered lines or probably give an extension and allow as many Kenyans as possible to register,”

Members of the public who will not have registered their lines by October 15th will risk losing their line and be fined Ksh 300,000

The extension is also a reprieve to customers who have recently been queening for long hours to get the services from the mobile network operators.

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