Apple CEO to Cease Third-party Apps.

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Apple, CEO Tim Cook has said that apps installed from third-party sources could jeopardize the privacy of iPhone users.

American lawmakers are also going to take the measures since they have seen signs of monopolies in the actions of both Apple and Google. In July, more than 30 states sued Google; accusing the company of abusing its dominant position in the mobile software market.

“If we are forced to allow unverified applications on the iPhone, the unintended consequences could be serious. Data-collecting companies will be able to bypass our privacy policies and track our users again against their will,” Mr. Cook said.

The European Union (EU) is moving quickly to pass legislation requiring Apple to allow the installation of apps from sources other than the Apple App Store.

“We believe that the owner of a smartphone should have the freedom to choose how to use it. This freedom includes the ability to connect alternative application sources for it. With DMA, the smartphone owner will still be able to enjoy the safe and secure services of the app store available by default.”

In addition, if this is the user’s choice, DMA will allow the smartphone owner to connect other secure app stores;” Johannes Bahrke, a representative of the European Commission, added.

Several tech sector players have advocated for a more liberalized approach to in-app services. Changes in legislation governing app control are opposed by Google and Apple, among other corporations.

The EU, on the other hand, recommends that users chose whether or not to enable installation from third-party sources; similarly, Google Android now allows users to choose from a variety of options.

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