AMD states that the FidelityFX Super Resolution will soon be closer to the console world, or at least the Xbox world, a few hours after the introduction of the open-source release of the technology.
From the tweet, we can note that the Xbox development teams have already obtained sufficient funding to implement the FSR in its version 2.0 and are now carrying out several tests to enable the use of the technology in games.
Remember that you can calculate an image with a lower definition than the one presented using the FSR in versions 1.0 or 2.0. Robust algorithms fill the “gaps” with frequently outstanding results.
The player can thus experience a better display and more beautiful graphics without sacrificing the animation’s flow if we aim for 60 or even 120 frames per second in specifications like 1440p or, why not, 4K.
The FSR will also lead to the venerable Xbox One, despite the announcement ignoring the PlayStation 5, whose hardware is similar to the Xbox Series. What should you gift him as a second youth?