Several Twitter users noticed odd phenomena when Musk’s tweets jammed up their feed

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The issue is not with your account if you can see every tweet Elon Musk makes on your Twitter stream.

After receiving all of Musk’s tweets on Monday, a few Twitter users noticed a peculiar occurrence. Many users wondered what was going on when they started receiving updates from the billionaire from users who don’t even follow him on the social networking site. Various UI-related problems are currently being resolved by Twitter. Since Musk cut its personnel in half, most problems have started to surface.

Twitter has always been more about Musk than the actual platform since Musk seized control of it. Musk’s tweets and replies were overwhelmingly visible to Twitter users. While it’s unclear why this is happening, many are suggesting that it may be related to the modifications and changes that Twitter has been rolling out over the past week.

It’s interesting to note that Musk also released a fix to address the visibility problem.

95% of his tweets, according to him, were not delivered. When I tweeted, the fanout server for the Following feed was overloaded, which prevented up to 95% of my tweets from being transmitted at all. Now retrieving the following from the search (aka Earlybird). He explained that when Fanout crashed, it would also delete everyone else’s tweets that were in the queue.

Twitter users started describing significant problems that were interfering with their use of the service on February 8th. Some users were unable to access their direct messages, while others received error messages stating that they had exceeded the daily limit for sending tweets. In addition, scheduling tweets in order to submit them was required, which annoyed many users who depend on Twitter for real-time news and updates.

Announcing plans to start charging $100 a month for a “basic tier” to access the social media site’s application programming interface, Twitter made the announcement on the same day (API).

The change was not warmly received by many users of the API, which developers and researchers use to examine public tweets. In addition, the business has begun offering US Twitter Blue subscribers the option of tweets with up to 4,000 characters instead of the standard 280.

Many Twitter users have taken offence at Musk’s decision to start charging for features that were previously free, especially considering how quickly and without much notice the changes were implemented. It’s not the first time that Twitter has made changes without adequate notice, as many users recall the botched deployment of an improved verification system last year that allowed users to obtain a blue checkmark in exchange for a monthly fee.

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