Multitasking Among College Students | How to Avoid It

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The modern learning environment is fast-paced, and students have access to limitless information. As a result, most learners are forced to divide their attention between several tasks in a habit referred to as multitasking. While the tendency to try more than one thing simultaneously may seem desirable and effective, evidence shows that multitasking causes more harm than good. According to experts, the human brain is incapable of multitasking, and what we do is switch attention rapidly between tasks, stressing our brains and overloading our senses. Here are some dangers of multitasking and why students should avoid it.

Is Multitasking Always Bad?

When people think they are multitasking, they aren’t doing two or more things simultaneously but are instead performing separate actions in rapid succession. Some people still believe that working on multiple tasks at once allows them to get more work done within a short span. Researchers have explored this issue, and the findings don’t favor multitasking. According to studies, the human brain is incapable of multitasking. When we try to do more than one thing, we switch our attention rapidly. In the end, we don’t get much work done this way. Here are some notable and evidence-based reasons why you may need to rethink multitasking.

  • Obstructs Learning

You have probably heard of reading that multitasking comes with some challenges. However, new studies have proven that it kills performance and can lead to brain damage. According to a recent study, those who multitask tend to be less productive than those who focus on one task at a time. In addition, it is hard to avoid being bombarded by information streams in our technology-infiltrated world. Experts indicate that switching your attention from your assignment to your phone or television will affect your ability to pay attention and remember information studies. Ultimately, you won’t get much work done, and your studies will suffer.

What about those who think they have multitasking skills and can handle many things concurrently? Research has compared those who habitually try to juggle multiple things based on their conviction that it helps them perform with methodical people who finish a task before going to the next. According to the findings, multitasking leads to worse performance as people have more trouble organizing their thoughts and eliminating irrelevant information. Habitual multitaskers are even slower at switching between tasks.

In fact, multitasking not only reduces your productivity but also lowers your IQ. There is enough evidence showing that multitasking leads to lower grades and negatively affects your ability to retain important information. If you habitually multitask, you will finish mundane tasks longer, and your academic performance will drop. Furthermore, multitasking means you are easily distracted, and this can cause you to miss important points during lectures and group discussions.

  • Reduces Productivity

Another reason to avoid multitasking is that it reduces your ability to finish projects on time. When students shift rapidly between tasks, they lose focus and spend time trying to reorient themselves. This is why it is essential to eliminate distractions when working on meaningful and time-bound activities. Students who do many things at once can lose up to 40% of their overall productivity. So, focus on one thing at once to finish more work quickly. A website like will help with your assignments and ensure you have time for other important commitments.

  • Is Stressful

It is important to reiterate that stress will likely follow whenever demands exceed your abilities. Multitasking causes stress as the demands on the human brain go beyond what the individual can handle. The pressure is even more profound when working on major projects. Trying to do many things at once means you will spend more time than necessary to complete even mundane activities. In the end, you will have less time to dedicate to relaxation activities and socializing. You may feel that being busier is a sign of growing up. However, you should probably learn to say no to some tasks if you have to multitask. Avoid multitasking if you want your time on campus to be less stressful.

  • Increases the Risk of Error

The more tasks you try to finish concurrently, the more mistakes you will make. According to experts, students who multitask are more prone to error. When you try to do many things simultaneously, your focus is diminished, and you may not notice when some things go wrong. In a sense, multitasking exposes learners to safety risks.

Tips for Avoiding Multitasking

Multitasking harms your productivity and is also bad for your brain. Here are some insights to help you avoid multitasking.

  • Improve Time Management

Most people multitask as a way of beating urgent deadlines. Maybe you have more than one task due within a short period. You may think that multitasking allows you to finalize the work on time. However, it will only slow down your progress. Instead of multitasking, work on your time management skills. Then, when you are organized, you will get more done. 

  • Eliminate Distractions

Most people multitask without even knowing that they are doing it. For example, maybe you like checking your op phone for texts and social media posts. Or you study for exams while listening to the radio or watching television.

Avoid multitasking by turning off your phone and eliminating distractions from your study area. Remove anything you don’t need from your dedicated study space. It would help to block websites that distract you when working on tasks.

  • Create a Dedicated Study Area

Common sense dictates that you shouldn’t study in front of the television as you will be easily distracted. Instead, have a clutter-free study area dedicated solely to your academic undertakings. Keep away anything you don’t need for your task, including extra files and books. Keep your study space clean and organized, allowing you to find whatever you need for the specific job.

Evidence shows that multitasking affects memory, impedes learning, and causes anxiety. It can also affect your memory, leading to demised academic performance. As a rule, start a new project only once you have finalized your work. Also, don’t take more work than you can handle.

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