Presidential Digital Talent Programme Opens Applications for 2023/24 Cohort

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The Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) Authority has announced the commencement of the application process for the Presidential Digital Talent Programme (Digitalent) for the 2023/24 academic , marking the eighth cohort of this transformative initiative.

With a total of 400 slots available, the programme’s primary objective is to empower and prepare recent ICT and engineering graduates with practical ICT skills that will enhance their employability and entrepreneurial prospects.

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the ICT Authority, Stanley Kamanguya underscored the program’s importance, stating, “Through the Presidential Digital Talent Internship Program (PDTP), the Government of Kenya continues to cultivate a highly skilled ICT workforce for the industry.”

Aligned with one of the key pillars of the Kenya National Digital Master Plan (2022-2032), which centers on Digital Skills, the initiative plays a pivotal role in realizing the vision of a Digital Economy, as envisioned in the Bottom-Up Economic Transformation Agenda (BETA).

Digital Skills are considered essential prerequisites for harnessing the benefits of technology across all sectors of the economy and at all levels of the skills spectrum.

These skills will enable every Kenyan to engage with digital technology, fostering digital literacy and promoting active participation in the digital economy.

The Digital Skills Pillar of the program is dedicated to fostering the necessary competencies and expertise needed to thrive in the Digital Economy.

Additionally, interns also gain valuable non-digital skills, including critical thinking and entrepreneurial acumen, while those with innovative ideas further deepen their knowledge in ICT innovation.

As of now, the program has successfully trained over 2,000 interns, many of whom have seamlessly integrated into various sectors of the economy, making a significant contribution to Kenya’s technological advancement.

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