High-Level Attendance Confirmed for Connected Africa Summit 2024

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The Connected Africa Summit 2024, taking place later this month in Nairobi, has secured the participation of prominent African leaders and international dignitaries.

Six African ICT Ministers have confirmed their attendance, including representatives from Sierra Leone, Zambia, Namibia, Somalia, Burundi, and Djibouti.

Additionally, fifteen ambassadors from various regions including Africa, America, Europe, Asia, and the Middle East will be present.

Ministers attending the summit include:

Hon. Salima Monorma Bah (Sierra Leone); H.E. Léocadie Ndacayisaba (Burundi); Hon. Felix Mutati (Zambia); Hon. Mudane Jaamac Xasan Khaliif (Somalia); Hon. Emma Theofelus (Namibia)and Hon. Mr. Radwan Abdillahi Bahdon (Djibouti).

Notable ambassadors confirmed include:

Margaret “Meg” Whitman, U.S. Ambassador to Kenya; Neil Wigan OBE, U.K. Ambassador to Kenya; Ms Saqlain Syedah, Pakistani High Commissioner to Kenya and H.E. Mrs Giovanna Valverde Stark, Costa Rican Ambassador in Kenya.

The Connected Africa Summit 2024, scheduled for April 21st to 25th at Uhuru Gardens, Nairobi, aims to address Africa’s Information and Communication Technology (ICT) priorities.

Guided by the African Union’s Agenda 2063, the summit will bring together key stakeholders to bridge the digital divide, explore investment opportunities, and foster innovation within the African tech sector.

The event is expected to be a platform for African leaders to shape the continent’s digital future, particularly in preparation for the UN Summit of the Future in September 2024.

Discussions will also focus on green technology and the responsible governance of generative AI in the African context.

This high-level attendance underscores the summit’s significance in shaping Africa’s digital transformation journey.

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