Netflix Is Launching A Global Test For Those Who Doze Off During Episodes

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How many times have you watched binge watched Netflix and then boom you end up waking up on the sixth episode?

Netflix has launched a new feature on the android app that will allow users to have specific settings that will allow the app to stop streaming after a certain amount of time. The feature currently includes four timer settings: 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 45 minutes or the end of the episode you’re currently watching.

If you watch Netflix on your phone you will be able to conserve your battery and instead of waking up and wondering why did Pablo get killed you’d be able to easily follow your favourite shows.

Can parents benefit from this?

Certain apps already have settings that allow parents to limit the number of hours kids can spend on the app. There’s a likelihood that parents will be able to limit their children’s Netflix time, though the feature is currently only available on ‘Adult’ Netflix profiles.

The test is currently not available to IOS users which is shocking since iPhone users always get the icing on the cake first but in this case android devices will get to test this new feature out. The test will be carried out on some selected devices so in case you happen to see a clock in the upper right corner of the display labelled ‘timer’ you should tap on it and select between 15 minutes, 30 minutes 45 minutes or “Finish Show.”

If you’re the type to like falling asleep to background TV noise and shows from Netflix, we would advise you to not use this feature. However, if you’re keenly following a show then this feature is advisable.

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