Saturday, July 27, 2024
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Tag: Safety

A Good Way to Recognize a Wireless Smoke Detector

Introduction: You need to know what kind of smoke detector can help you. If you own a...

How to Run a Safety Check on Google Chrome.

We're used to running antivirus scans on our computers, but that doesn't cover your online security.Google Chrome...

How Women Can Use Technology for their Safety

Women and children are among the most vulnerable in any society around the world. In some countries,...

How to Enhance Your Driving Experience with Technology

Driving is slowly becoming one of the basic needs in today’s world. With increased urbanization comes more...

Reasons You Should Avoid Posting Your Child’s Face On Social Media

Your child's safety is your priority. Every now and then we post a lot of our lives on...

Ghana has a more transparent and accessible government than Italy, Russia or China

The 2014 Rule of Law Index (RLI) measures the level of adherence to national laws in 99...

Ghana and 4 other countries in Sub-Saharan Africa provide better personal safety & security than the BRIC countries

The Legatum Prosperity Index (LPI) 2014 assess levels of prosperity in 142 countries by combining 8 core...
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