Online media take over inevitable for African countries

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A new index survey, called IREX’s latest Africa Media Sustainability Index (MSI) has found out that although traditional media still rules in Sub Saharan Africa, the online revolution will catch up sooner or later.

Kenya was highlighted as one of the countries that support online presence of news items. “Positive findings do indicate a brighter future. Kenyan participants cheered improved affordability and availability of Internet, and noted social media is taught in some journalism schools,” the report said.

But in countries like Botswana and Mali, the rare use of online tools to collect and disseminate information is in its infancy.

The report however puts South Africa on top of the list despite its relegation in recent years. Namibia and Ghana follow the leaders as some of the countries supporting online media.

“Guinea, Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Sudan were considered unsustainable, demonstrating severe problems with free speech, the quality of journalism, and absence or weakness of institutions supportive of a free media environment,” the report anchored.

The MSI measured quality and media engagement, news plurality, press freedom and institutions that support media.

“African journalists, media advocates, academics, and related professionals evaluate their own media sector. Results are compiled by IREX, a leading organization working to develop independent media globally,” IREX said.

The MSI is a trusted evaluation of global media health, providing donors, media advocates, local professionals, and scholars a decade of rich data.

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