South African’s leading endurance athletes now have an opportunity to take their careers to greater heights.
Several of these raising stars have been selected into the Endurocad Satellite program, a first of its kind on the African continent.
According to management, ENDUROCAD aims to become the most proficient high performance endurance sports academy in Africa.
“The programme seeks to develop and support world class distance runners.”
“ENDUROCAD is run in association with its founding partner Investec Asset Management and affiliate partners Adidas, Virgin Active, Vital Health Foods, MXIT, Remgro, Tsogo Sun, Gallo Images, Sports Science Institute of South Africa, Stellenbosch Academy of Sport, Drug Free Sport and the Culture, Arts, Tourism, Hospitality and Sport Sector Education and Training Authority (CATHSSETA).”
ENDUROCAD is a non-profit company which provides the opportunity for South African endurance athletes to improve their times, make a living from their talent and to build a brand and business for life after sport.