Zando’s Peter Allestorfer Joins Silvertree Capital to Build Companies

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peterZando co-founder and former Managing Director Peter Allerstorfer has joined Silvertree Capital, South African-based business builder and venture capital investor after earlier this year resigning from the online fashion retailer he helped found.

He will be joining former Zando co-founder and Managing Director Manuel Koser and ex-McKinsey colleague Paul Cook at Silvertree Capital, which has investments in several internet companies in South Africa and Nigeria.

“I am happy to have helped develop Zando into South Africa’s largest fashion e-commerce player. I am now ready to tackle new ventures with Silvertree Capital and we are looking to promote fresh and exciting business opportunities that have great prospects of growth” said Peter.  “There is a lot we are working on at the moment and we should be announcing 1-2 more investments before the end of the year.”

Silvertree Capital has listed investments in a broad range of rapidly expanding internet businesses which involve healthcare, e-commerce and online feedback systems.

 Before Silvertree Capital, Peter founded Zando in South Africa and served as Managing Director. He is also a founder and shareholder of Jumia in Nigeria. Peter started his career as an Intern for BMW, working in quality and strategy departments. After completing his Engineering Diploma at the Technische Universität Graz, he joined McKinsey & Company where he started off as a fellow intern and was later promoted to a Senior Associate where he was responsible for several projected in different industries and functional areas across the world.


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