African Financial Markets Initiatives Revamps Its Website

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The African Financial Markets Initiative (AFMI), managed by the African Development Bank (AfDB), announced the official launch of the redesigned AFMI website

The website shows new features including a mobile-friendly interface. In the same occasion, AFMI also launched the inaugural edition of the AFMI newsletter, The African Bond Market Review.

The African Financial Markets Initiative (AFMI) is an African Development Bank Initiative designed to promote African bond markets.

An integral component of the AFMI website is the Data Portal, which provides a variety of data namely:

  • High frequency data from Thomson Reuters’ Knowledge Direct platform
  • Low frequency data on macroeconomic indicators, debt indicators and governance indicators from the AfDB;
  • Static data and content on bond market infrastructure, monetary policy and public debt management from African Central Banks, Ministries of Finance and stock exchanges.

The AFMI website provides more than data and information, it provides a platform for AFMI stakeholders and development partners to engage in debates on a range of bond market development issues.

The website is currently available in English, with the French version of the website available in the first quarter 2014.

AFMI is funded by the AfDB, the Fund for African Private Sector Assistance and the Canadian International Development Agency.

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