CEO Weekends: Iquit Smoking Technology Offers Franchise Opportunities In Africa

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It is possible to quit smoking in an hour, reducing risks of acquiring diseases like cancer, notes Iquit Smoking, motivated to spread the message further by offering individuals an opportunity to franchise their habit-quitting technology.

“Our patented technology, refined expertise and mature product will guarantee that we will be leading the competition for many years to come,” reads an inscription on the Iquit Smoking website, regarding franchising the technology, “Our experienced team is well positioned to give continuous market leadership into a stable international network with high growth potential in an expanding market.”

The idea of “IQS” as a franchising system was born in 2001 in Europe, when a team of professionals consisting of medics, scientists, marketers of the innovative program aimed to curb the addiction, decided to launch it in the international market. And eventually open franchises.  Till then, Kenya became home to the first I Quit Smoking center in Africa in 2009, adding to the list of over 400 centers of its kind worldwide fighting smoking addictions.

“We plan to open up more branches in Kisumu and Mombasa,” Gheeta Dhanda a Therapist of Iquit Smoking Kenya said in an interview, revealing high hopes to reach out to many addicted by cigarette smoking. “We treat 25 to 30 people a month and in a good month, we see about 60,” noting that since the organisation began in 2009, close to 900 clients with a 90 per cent success rate have been treated.

The IQS technology known as auricular therapy combines ancient and modern technology plus one-on-one personal care programs of which, is becoming a popular option to those who would like to quit smoking.

Yet, the World Health Organization estimates that by 2015, the number of smokers worldwide is expected to rise from the current 1.2 billion to more than 1.6 billion. And in African countries like Kenya, the 2011 National Bureau of Statistics stated that the consumption of cigarettes in 2008 was 10.073 billion sticks; in 2009, 11 billion sticks, while in 2010 it was 12.157 billion sticks.

And if that trend of tobacco use is not reversed, disease burdens resulting from tobacco related illness include cancers, heart disease, inflammatory diseases of the trachea, blood vessels and other body organs would be on the rise, say experts. Maternal and child problems include miscarriages, deformities, premature births, underweight babies, stillborns and infant deaths as risk factors, in addition to hormonal problems such as impotence and eye diseases to mention a few.

Nevertheless, close to three quarters of smokers have tried to quit, using acupuncture inclusive of a laser or needles, medical follow up with Zyban a drug, patches, and through “cold turkey” or “will power”.

But when smokers fail to quit even after trying various means, IQS swears that their personalized, interactive treatment method comes to the rescue. According to IQS, the Auricular therapy removes the craving of substances such as nicotine found in cigarettes, a root cause of addiction. Yet, nicotine has been declared a highly addictive drug, compared to heroin, cocaine and alcohol, says the organisation.

The Auricular Therapy includes a Reflection Instrument Scanning Electro-pulse (R.I.S.E) device and an instrument that gently touches certain points of the ear lobe, helping the body release beta endorphins that block the craving of cigarettes.

Before the hour long therapy, the therapist during the meeting records key indicators of the smoker’s habit as well as personal information such as how many cigarettes he or she smokes in a day, when they began, medical history, health conditions to mention a few. However, the therapy is not proven to be safe on expectant mums, epileptics or individuals wearing a pace maker.

The data for fit patients is then programmed into the patented R.I.S.E device in which the computer software creates an individualized program. Using a special instrument, the R.I.S.E device delivers a small electric current to key points (as in acupuncture an ancient healing art) on the earlobe.

Then a flow of endorphins known as compounds naturally made in the body are released throughout the body, not only making the person feel energetic but removing the craving of cigarettes.

Lasting one hour, the smoker is guaranteed a 90 per cent chance of quitting the habit. And after 10 days, with the cravings gone, the nicotine in the body is flushed out by fresh fruits, vegetables and water.

However, those highly addicted or who smoke more than a pack of cigarettes per day are recommended to return after six months for follow up. A second session is worth half the original cost.

And after recovery, former addicts can open franchises of the technology. According to Iquit smoking therapists, this system is set to create new standards in smoking cessation because of its “unparalleled success rate”. Thus, the IQS program allows partners to participate in this growth and capitalize on the profit potential through franchising and licensing opportunities worldwide.

For details on quitting smoking or opening a franchise, send an email

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