Nigerians express dissatisfaction over high cost of internet access

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internetIn spite of the recent reduction in the cost of internet access by Globacom Nigeria, many Nigerians believe the cost of internet is still high and are enjoining the telecommunications company and others involved in provision of internet services to expedite action in ensuring that the cost of internet access is within the reach of all Nigerians.

On the most visited website in Nigeria,, visitors said the reduction by Glo is not good enough. They also expressed concerns over other forms of internet access, especially broadband.

Visitor with the username ceo4eva said the networks are stingy, inconsiderate and are battling with misplaced priorities.

He said: “Glo being an indigenous company should have done better but they are too Stingy and Inconsiderate. We only hear of Glo Fibre Optic Cable, Glo Submarine Cable, Glo SAT 1, etc over the media and nothing more. They only invest huge funds on rich Celebrities for adverts instead of improving on their Network and Service Delivery.

“Thank God we have better alternatives!
“GLO…We’re Not Interested In This Sort of Thing. Thank You.”

Another commenter, freebreezeyz said the downtime periods on the networks are on the rise.

He said: “The downtime I experience aint funny at all! and wen I complained to them, the call center lady advised I switch off and switch on my phone. now consider how many times you would have to be doing that.”

In a swift move to improve the quality of services, the regulatory body in charge of the communications sector in Nigeria, the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) said as from January 1, 2014, it would not hesitate to slam defaulting networks with fines, sanctions and jail term for falling short of expected service quality.

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