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Based on British originated app Summly, Yahoo will henceforth provide users with daily briefings of eight to nine stories most likely to interest its users.

This is in a quest to address the needs of busy consumers considering media analysts are split over the need for such a product. The app was announced as part of Marissa Mayer’s Yahoo’s CEO’s first CES keynote address.

“The idea of cutting through the clutter and being a trusted curator that can offer quality bite-sized chunks of information definitely addresses a need. If people are being told they have read through enough news they are being misled,” said Mark Mulligan, editor of the media industry blog

According to Mr Mulligan, people require a way to steer through all the news, which makes the newly introduced app perfect for the purpose.

Users are willing to consume more content when it is boiled down to the most important bits. However, the app is currently available on the US iphone App store and does not allow users to customize the type of stories most likely to interest them.

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