Kenyan leading artiste, Jaguar, was recently at the Industrial Area prison shooting a video for his latest track, Kioo. While there he joined the inmates for lunch which comprised of Ugali and beans served in metal bowls. This is the same prison whereby 20 prisoners died last year from a cholera outbreak.
The artiste is known to have immense influence and this was one of the instances it may have come to play. The artiste mingled freely with the inmates and donated toilet paper and soap. He also bailed out some inmates and even took one to hospital for medical attention at Metropolitan Hospital. Its an awesome video and Jaguar is making a mark in the country as a unique artiste and one to watch out for, good going homeboy!!!
According to sources, the singer paid a total of Kshs.58, 000 in bail, thus allowing the inmates to spend the New Year with their family. Jaguar’s latest video has been shot in different locations in Kenya, Dubai as well as the Industrial Area prison. The video also features controversial socialite Pendo, you already know then that she is the light girl in a white dress with stripes, and is said to have made a tidy some from featuring in the video.

The other girl in the video, is Amina Amaru a model who is trying her hand at being a video girl. Word on the street is that musicians are all clamoring for a chance to feature her in their music video and why not she is very pretty and has a banging body!