Nigeria Is Set To Auction Its 2.3 Spectrum In Feb

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The Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC)  announced that the applications to participate in the 2.3 GHz spectrum allocation auction are to be submitted not later than by 7 February.

The commission will be offering 30 MHz of unpaired spectrum in the 2.3 GHz band for commercial assignment on a national basis in the country. As a result of consulting stakeholders of the industry, NCC will allocate this spectrum in one unpaired block of 30 MHz, adjoining a 10MHz guard band with the adjacent 2.4 GHz band of 2360 – 2390 MHz – Spectrum on offer and 2390 – 2400 MHz – Guard Band

“The proposed licensing of 2.3 GHz spectrum has been influenced by the need to provide Retail Service Providers (ISPs and others users) with the requisite wholesale wireless access and bandwidth to provide service to their subscribers in consonance with the National Broadband Plan of 2013,” says the regulator.

The spectrum is offered by the Commission on a technology neutral basis. For roll-out of services, the NCC intends to follow the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) recommendation setting aside spectrum in the 2.3 GHz band for the provision of wireless broadband services.

The Reserve Price for the 30 MHz of unpaired spectrum for a 10 year license has been set at $23 million.

After the auction NCC will give a 10 year spectrum license and Wholesale Wireless Access Service License (WWASL). The WWASL Operational License will attract an additional fee of One Hundred and Fifty Five Million Naira  (N155,000,000.00 / $) for the winner that does not currently hold a Unified Access Service License (UASL).

The Auction will take place during the week commencing 17th February, 2014.

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