Want To Learn An Native App Development? Apply NOW

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Deep drive into App development and learn basic to advanced concepts in Android app development including the Native Development Kit in a one week intensive training program. m:Lab East Africa in partnership with Intel is set to conduct the training starting from 26th May 2014

There will be daytime and evening options for interested participants. The evening training sessions will run from 26th May to 11th July 2014 whereas the full time training sessions will run from 26th May to 4th July.

Participants will also learn more about entrepreneurship in Mobile as part of the course. Here they will learn how to monetize their their applications, develop business plans and other strategic documents as well as pitching their solutions to investors. Coaches and trainers will also help the attendees to complete their apps and have them published in a global app store.


Individuals with experience in Android or J2ME with apps published in the respective app stores are encouraged to apply for the course to boost their programming skills. Additionally, programming knowledge in C/C++ is also an added advantage to applicants.

Through the course developers will be required to develop at least one NDK based Android application and have it published on a global app store such as Google Play and Samsung App Store.

Here are some Mobile apps from previous training sessions.

Participants will pay a commitment fee of KES 3,000 upfront. KES 2,000 of the commitment fees will be refunded upon completion of course milestones.

Application deadline is 18th May 2014. What are you waiting for? APPLY NOW

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