Nigeria’s Lets Citizens Monitor Governments’ Activities

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In the recent past, Open Government Initiative was launched in Nigeria to provide a platform where citizens could connect and discuss with their government representatives.

BudgIT, then established its online medium that has redefined participatory governance in Nigeria by displaying budgets from different arms of the Government in simple Infographics displays. This has seen it become a focal point for discussions about governance in Nigeria.

And now, Introducing another solution by BudgIt.


“It is a network of active citizens who track projects in the budget and give feedback to government and their communities.”


Registered users can create a discussion about the budget, campaign promises, contacts and other issues they want addressed by the relevant authority.


The users can also add contact information of the relevant authority when creating the post. This will notify the relevant government authority every time there is an activity on the post either by phone or email depending on the available contact.

Audio Visual information can also be attached to a post. also allows users to share posts on social media platforms to keep the discussions more interactive.

Currently does not support anonymous posting and tracking of issues, however the project leader Oluseun Onigbinde says that the organization will  look into the implication of anonymity activities on the platform before enabling such feature on it. helps citizens bring important issues to light and provides pathways to scrutinise government promises and hold them to account hence promoting transparency.

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