Jumia Nigeria Launches a Startup Academy for Upcoming Entrepreneurs

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Jumia Academy for Press releaseAIH’s online retailer Jumia Nigeria has launched a training school to train employees to be future entrepreneurs with start up ideas to grow the SME industry and tech industry in Nigeria.

Dubbed the Jumia Academy, the school is a continuous opportunity for every Jumian including new staffs to give them the skills needed to be successful in the increasingly competitive Nigerian market. The school aim to help Jumia staff reach top level and become managers in the near future within or outside Jumia.

According to Co-CEO Jumia Nigeria Nicolas Martin stated that ‘Jumia Nigeria will continue to grow with the help of the best talents in Nigeria. Jumia employs the largest workforce in the online retail industry, which is growing by the day, and we can only groom our employees to be the next generation of CEOs with excessive training at the Jumia Academy.”

Unveiled to the public today, the Jumia Academy officially launched in May 2014 and has had over 100 Jumians trained for different skills set and areas of work. Jumia has over 1000 staffs all across Nigeria across various departments and ages. The Jumia Academy will help solve the  job creation challenge to improve the countries GDP and also help the working generation to pick up on entrepreneurship.

Sarah Carzim, Head of Jumia Academy said, “From the onset our mission was to find ways to help staffs grow within the company. After months of hard work, Feedback and research in-house, I was able to find a way to empower staffs with the ‘Jumia Academy’ training school. It is not very often you find this in a new company but the aim is to pave the way for Jumians and also potential Jumians to be the best they can be.”

Though its an internal project and TechMoran has not had a look at its curriculum,  several firms also have their internal capacity building projects which suit their own goals. However, it’s still fantastic if this Jumia Academy is a real startup academy for its employees where they can learn several aspects of business building.

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