The Future Africa Awards & Summit Announces Its Global Board Of Advisors & African Jury

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The Central Working Committee for The Future Africa Awards & Summit (TFAAS) 2014 has announced the expansion of its brain trust across the world. The expansion consists of the Board of Judges and Independent Audit Committee, as well as its Global Board of Advisors.

“As TFAAS has expanded in scope and become both a global brand and to reach countries across Africa, we are excited to present the distinguished leaders from across the world who will serve on the Independent Audit Committee and the Board of Judges, and the Global Board of Advisors for The Future Project,” said Mfon Ekpo, a member of the committee and a Fellow with President Barack Obama’s Young African Leaders Initiative.

The Independent Audit Committee consists of leaders from across government, civil society and business from across Africa. The committee also announced the Board of Judges, a peer review committee formed of African media leaders below 40.

‘Africa is at a stage where its young population is needed in order to secure the continent’s future,” said Belinda Otas. “I am excited about this generation of young Africans, for their hunger, their pursuit of purpose and their passion to see a better Africa. This is what The Future Africa Awards is about and I am honored to be a part of it.’

This announcement follows the launch of 2014 edition of the awards during the World Economic Forum on Africa. The platform has also been expanded to The Future Africa Awards & Summit, a 2-day ideas-fest, where the continent’s most influential leaders and institutions with portfolios on youth will gather to chart immediate action-points for expansion of jobs and opportunities, as well as good governance and citizen engagement.

Nominations end on 12 June, 2014 via the website or via SMS on +234 802 2222 6712.

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