Developing: MTN Nigeria to Launch Music+ |New Music Streaming App

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musicxWe don’t want to list the number of music download/streaming apps in Nigeria because we all love music and want the best.

Now, it seems telco giant MTN Nigeria is prepping its new music streaming service called Music+ set for a July launch. Soures tell us Music+ is a converged Music streaming and download platform, optimized for mobile and online access and is socially enabled to accommodate cross-user activity. The free app will charge for N50 per song download.

Some of its features include a mobile-first experience, abiity to stream songs or subscribe service to download songs, navigate from one song/song category to the other freely, earn loyalty points from Subscription, download, gifts.

screen568x568 Serious offline Streaming, intelligent Radio Recommendation (Smart recommendation of song from the app based on your   listening history), Callertunez Integration, exclusive Songs by A-list African artists before official release, Cloud Storage– One Account, Your songs on all your devices,Cheapest Data Allocation, In-APP Data Balance Enquiry and Facebook Login.

fmimg4944638579970168781_257x386Other features include No Advert disruptions during music play, Y’ello Top 10, MTN Fuse and MTN Project Fame Syndication, Convenient Subscription plans and Payment Method, Video Streaming, Sharing songs to SNS like Facebook or Twitter, Listening music radio (Special playlist recommended by platform), use voucher to purchase songs with discount or even free, use credit to purchase songs for free and ability to send gift songs to friends.

The app, which is in beta testing mode is expected to go live in July for Android, iOS, Windows among others.

MTN is not new to music and digital content. The giant already has MTN Play across several languages in South Africa.

CNET Markeplace show that MTN Music+ is a round-the-clock exciting way of music streamlining, music sharing, play-listing & more especially for Naija music. Users can streamline directly to their mobile devices, enjoy offline streaming as well for zero data needed. They can manage their personal mobile music library as they wish and share their taste of music and explore more via music playlist recommendation.

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