AfricaCom is looking to solve the problem of unreliable communications service, the group is looking to provide reliable and affordable communications services to rural areas.
The company considers the African economy as untapped blaming it on the cost of regulations and lack of clear commercial value. Recognising this is a multi-faceted issue, AfricaCom will address the subject of rural telecoms in various sessions over three days:
On the first day the company will deal with
- Keynote panel on broadband : Leading MNOs, satellite operators and investors will discuss broadband developments, including in rural areas
- Rural Telecoms Masterclass: Presentations will cover network strategies, regulation and power solutions open to all visitors
- Mobile Money conference: Presentations will include delivering mobile money services to remote areas
On the second day
- App case studies: Hear about apps with the potential to benefit rural areas in the field of m-education, m-health, m-farming and more.
On the third day
- Cost-efficency Networks stream: A panel discussion will bring together various stakeholders on how to make rural telecoms happen
- VSAT conference: The role of VSAT in establishing communications infrastructure in rural as well as inter-urban environments will be discussed
AfricaCom’s key topics to be covered include broadband developments, content & data, customer experience management, cost-efficient networks, cloud, SDN & virtualisation and much more.
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