Facebook is Pushing Messenger to You by Force

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fb20messenger-100015801-largeSeems Facebook missed its own name and should have been called Forcebook. The 30 year-old dude is emailing all users of his social network, pushing them to get the Messenger App for greater mobile messaging.

“We wanted to let you know that messages are moving out of the Facebook app to our Messenger app, a free app that’s faster and more reliable for everyday messaging. Messenger also includes: new ways to send photos and videos, voice calls, stickers, group conversations and more,” Facebook said in an email update.

Guys get Messenger, Facebook says it will show you around on how to use Messenger and just in case you forget to shift, they will send you a reminder notice in the Facebook app to be fast and be careful you don’t break anything. Facebook wants you to install its Messenger App or go to the Facebook website to view and send messages and relax, you’ll still see new message notifications in the Facebook app, and it’ll be easy to switch between Facebook and Messenger, the company says.

Removing in-app chat will help Facebook build Messenger as an independent business with own features and revenue. Facebook earlier this year had announced plans to have standalone apps as independent products than this in app-services. Messenger is a direct competitors to Whatsapp which the company bought for $19 billion.

Users will take long to get used to Messenger  app plus the many apps they have. Messengers disadvantage is it only helps Facebook expand but it only reaches Facebook users unlike other apps which are cross-platform.

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