YouTube hero convicted for driving car from passenger seat

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A 20-year-old Spanish man, who sought a small YouTube fame to strengthen his image, chose to film himself driving down a freeway from the passenger seat.

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To show his skillful performance, he moved the camera around to show the road ahead and his steering.

He then posted it to YouTube and waited eagerly for the applause. Strangely, the video was watched by Spain’s police department Policia Nacional’s who were not impressed.

According to The Local, the police later asked on Twitter whether someone recognized the ‘brave’ man.

Policia Nacional has some 950000 Twitter followers hence there was a greater possibility of being recognized. It only took 13 hours for the police to get responses.

In February, at the time of the incident, the Policia Nacional’s social media manager explained to the Local that its Twitter platform has many followers because they try not to be too institutional and very boring to avoid people losing interest.

Maybe, this fearless driver was also trying not to be very boring. However, he selected the wrong medium for publicity.

This week, the 20-year-old was found guilty of reckless driving and given a suspended jail sentence of six months. His driver’s license was also revoked for a year.

For a short time, he will need to get used to being a passenger.

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