Aims to End Bad Customer Service in Nigeria

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10626208_349618041857959_983633626283668682_oNigeria’s, aims to end bad customer service in the country by helping everyone report both good and bad customer service they experience.

Users lon onto the site or use the Reportam Mobile App. then allow a user to tweet their own report tagging @reportamNG

or post them on After posting, users wait for feedback  to their complaints or  compliment. Lastly, a user can rate the company’s response and then switch the complaint to Complement.

Mr. Olu Bello, Reportam’s Operations Manager said the site was created after the founders experienced bad customer service which they say goes unresolved. The site aim to help Nigerians report companies and have their issues resolved.

A new version of the site will be launched later this year.

According to the site, users can report either compliments or complaints about any customer service experience they had in the last 3 months.

1. You purchased or tried to purchase goods or service from any company or organization either through face to face, online or telephone transaction.
2. You were given an exemplary, mind-blowing or excellent customer service by a company; solicited or unsolicited, paid for or free. ( loves to hear your compliments!!!)
3. You were involved in an interaction or communication with a company that has resulted in experiencing a good or bad customer service.
4. You were scammed or tried to be scammed by an organization for a service or product you paid or about to pay for.
5. You have not received contracted services or product from a company made through a closed, ongoing transaction or business deal.
6. A company has not met its obligation or level of satisfaction or availability expected for such service or product.

You CANNOT post reports if:
• Your report is about a personal dispute with another individual.
• The report is about a workplace dispute; if or not it has been reported to the management of the organization.
• It’s about a case or incidence that is being litigated in any court of law.

Other guidelines on reports:
• Must be an actual service experience.
• Must not contain foul language including swearing, violent or coarse words. Language used must also not have any sexist or racial undertone.
• Must be written by the customer who had the experience. No proxies allowed.
• Should be straight forward, simple and understandable.
• Must be constructive, with the intent for possible resolution by the Responsive Company.
• Must be written with a positive intent to helping consumers receive better service in the future or to help the company provide a better product or service.
• Must not be directed at an individual for personal revenge, victimization or as a vicious attack.
• Must not be based solely on personal ethical values (eg political, religious or cultural belief) as against an actual service experience.
• Must not contain defamatory statements or violation of applicable law.
• Must not violate Companies’ rights, Intellectual property rights, or rights of privacy.

Here are some examples to get you thinking:
• Excellent customer service: polite, courteous, helpful staff.
• Fast and timely delivery.
• Exceptional effort to ensure customer satisfaction.
• Service or product meets or exceeds expectations.

• Rude, unhelpful or disrespectful customer service agent.
• Unexplained delays, holds or interruptions.
• Delayed flight without clear reason or compensation.
• Wrong product without reason, refund or replacement.
• Adulterated product.

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