Alcoblow Watch Developer takes it down to save lives

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lawBrian Osoro was all happy after developing an App which assisted people evade alcoblow rated road blocks in Kenya.

The app, dubbed Alcoblow Watch was a hit, he says. It got the attention of drivers who wanted to evade police after their drinking sprees. He was so happy until one day he got a call from people he suspected to be policemen. Then fear took over him and killed all the joy the app had given him.

“I was afraid to go to jail or rather face legal action. Plus one of my professors sent a friend of mine to tell me to take it down. At first it felt good , I mean assisting drunk drivers get away from Cops. Then I read a news article of some school kids who almost died as the school driver lost control and hit a tree,” Osoro told TechMoran.

“The driver was drunk, I figured this could have been my younger cousin. I decided to take it down and do something more useful . It was then I saw a friend of mine who does Law flipping pages of the constitution , highlighting and placing bookmarks all over. Thats how the idea came up.”

So Osoro decided to make the Kenyan Constitution App which has now hit close to 60,000 downloads on Google Play.

He says the Kenyan Constitution App for Android will help Kenyans know their rights, freedoms and duties as Kenyan citizens. It allows users to search through articles ad chapters as if they were reading the constitution in print.

“It segments the different parts of the constitution i.e Chapters , Articles etc.” Osoro says. “With the User Interface which many consider to be outstanding , I was able to represent the datasets more intuitively allowing users to know how many articles a chapter has. A user could also bookmark the last point they left and also share an excerpt to their friends via Text, social media or email.”

On monetisation, Osoro says he hasn’t thought of it yet and his app has no ads running. His present focus is to make the content more readable and accessible to the general public.

Osoro also made an app dubbed Ratiba to allow university students check their timetables from their mobile phones so they do not miss any lectures or exams.

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