Senegal’s Station Energy Wants To Help Africans Make Money Through Solar Power

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The wave of solar energy has hit Africa and most of the governments are looking into ensuring that the places without electricity are well fed with solar power gadgets. This being a very lucrative market the start-up industry is not left out and their share of innovations has given many African countries a boost in accessing the clean energy electricity.

One of this start-up is Station Energy from Senegal.  Led by Alexandre Castel, this start-up is looking into structuring an investment fund to finance solar micro-facilities. When they talk about micro-facilities they mean cold rooms, cybercafés, pumping; facilities that will be rented to rural communities. This fund will gather equal distribution of funds and classic investors to build 300 micro-facilities in 5 years.

The start-up is looking at giving more than just lighting the houses of individuals. It is looking at helping the rural people access technology through the opening of cybercafés that will run on solar energy. Apart from access to technology the  people in the rural areas will be able to run facilities that require electricity. This initiative will assist in modernizing Africa faster than expected.

We can build the product;our team has what it takes. Given the time and money, we can deliver on our promises, says Castel.

The start up has a very able team, consisted of 3 co-founders from technical and entrepreneurial background, cumulating 20-year experience in project management and 10 year in solar energy.  They have branches in Ivory Coast and Burkina Faso

Their team includes

  • Alexandre Castel


  • Julie Lallier


  • Diaty Coulibaly


  • Jerome Brasseur


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