African startups have been named among the top startups that scooped a top prize in global competition to find the most inspiring innovations that promote transparency, fight corruption and empower marginalised groups.
They include Nigeria’s BudgIT, Mozambique’s Face2Face, South Africa’s Citizen Justice Network (CJN), Ghana’s Action Voices Ghana and Kenya’s Know Your Rights M3 Mobile Messaging to the Masses.
Nigeria’s BudgIT measures government performance in rural and urban areas, this project will make data relevant and accessible for Nigerian citizens, and improve their ability to track and influence service deliv ery in their local area. Through social media tools, this platform will bring people together to share photos, videos, experiences and data on existi ng government service projects within their area. It will use this interaction to improve wider pu blic understanding of and interaction with service delivery data in Nigeria, and to raise public priorities in the national sphere.
Mozambique: Face2Face: Widening Local Dialogue in Mozambique
Through social media, commun ity radio and ICT, Face2Face will track the ex periences of people using Mozambique’s new Right to Information Law to obtain public informatio n. The project will publicly highlight and challenge the barriers that still remain in getting information that is now legally supposed to be in the p ublic domain.
South Africa: The Citizen Justice Network (CJN)
The CJN will investigate and highlight unreported miscarriages of justice in rural South Africa. It will train local activists to compile reliable reports and find ways to raise them in local and national media, as well as provide a platform to help marginalized communities know their rights and gain better access to public justice services.
Ghana: Action Voices Ghana
Setting up a toll-free phone line in local languages, Action Voices Ghana will make sure that people can talk about their exp eriences of government services anonymously and at no cost. The team will collect questions and issues from citizens across Ghana, analyse the topics and trends that are being highlighted, and use them to help inform civil society, media and government itself.
Kenya: Know Your Rights M3 Mobile Messaging to the Masses
The aim of this project is to connect people with their government through mobile tech so they can easily understand their righ ts and put forward their own priorities for impr oving access to legal frameworks in Kenya. Using the expertise of leading global content provider LexisNexis and mobile surveying platform Geo Poll, the project will assess the Kenyan public’s information requirements through opinion polls and surveys, and provide tailored responses, including connecting people with local le gal services.
Pakistan: Responsive Governa nce via Active Youth Engagement
The project team will work with a group of youth activists to measure and benchmark performances of elected officials and tackle issues of corruption in Pakistan. T he youth activists will capitalise on high internet penetration in the country, and use the vibrant a nd active Pakistani social media sphere to systema tically track and publicise political issues, fairly and transparently highlighting both achievements and failures.
The Philippines: Balangay: A cloud-based info-system for disaster
The Balangay team has designed an open, cloud-based information system t hat aims to improve the implementation and accoun tability of disaster preparedness, response an d relief actions in the Philippines. This project bri ngs together a range of stakeholders, including the government, to create a public resource on disaster information, and provide a functioning forum for reliable communication between local g overnment units, NGOs and communities in emergencies.
Bangladesh: Safe Factories in Bangladesh
This project aims to make labo ur conditions more transparent in Bangladesh and support the implementation of new laws bro ught into govern working conditions following a spate of high profile factory collapses. The tool, DemoChat, will function as an anonymous electronic suggestion box for factory workers to report health hazards and worker abuse. It will also send out free weekly SMS surveys to workers in order to gather information that can support better communications between workers and owners.
Indonesia: Volunteer Network Platform on Climate Change Info
Working with existing networks of youth volunteers in East Java, this project w ill collect information on climate change in affected communities and distribute this information publicly through a web platform and SM S gateway. The project targets disaster-affect ed communities and provides them with a platform to ask questions and get the answers they nee d to adapt to and mitigate against climate change . It will also link these communities with government to enable them to have a more active voi ce in government climate change policies.
Indonesia: A Voice for Women to Deepen Indonesian Democracy
This project aims to support su stainable dialogue between local government a nd ordinary people in Indonesia through a mix of appropriate tech and non-tech activities – both face to face discussions, as well as mobile and online platforms – to ensure everyone in th e community can have their say. The project will emphasise the representation of women and provide direct and, where appropriate, anonymous feedback avenues. Working together with villa ge authorities, this project will capitalise on the ne w Village Law legislation, which provides an op portunity to determine local policies at a loc al level and change how women in Indonesia interact with policy makers.